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Babelkeys - Translation agency

Specialised translations

In addition to general texts like business communications, my fields of specialisation are as follows:

Financial and business translation

Financial translation is not for the novice and it involves mastering a number of concepts. Among my customers, I can include renowned banking institutions that understand the value of competent and conscientious translators.

Legal translation

Legal translation is the domain that requires the greatest precision. Even though there is no room for error in any domain, this field is particularly intolerant of mistakes because of the potentially grave consequences of such errors. I have thus taken legal training courses specifically designed for translators and this has put me in a position to consolidate my knowledge and so become a sworn translator. I have already worked for and with many legal professionals including notaries, lawyers, judicial officers, prosecutors, and so on.

Musical translation

Having been a musician in my time, I use this experience doing work for various clients including introductions for a well-known radio presenter and some twenty CD liner note translations for a publishing house.

IT translation

Before I started translating full-time, I worked as a computer programmer at a respectable banking institution. I think it is clear how this experience has given me the expertise I need to translate any text in this constantly evolving field.

Commercial translation

I have the required creativity and skill with words for your commercial translations. Your texts should be as attractive as your products for comprehensive and consistent customer experience. Don’t let all your effort go to waste at the very outset because of a poor translation. Seek out the assistance of a professional translator.